Sponsor and Fundraising Committee

Current committee members:

M Dreyling, Germany (Chair)
C Harrison, United Kingdom (Vice-Chair)
I Aurer, Croatia
A Borkhardt, Germany
P Milani, Italy
C Moreno, Spain
A Pierini, Italy
D Rees, UK


The Fundraising & Sponsor Committee (F&SC) is responsible for generating financial resources to support EHA’s activities through an attractive sponsor program and diversify the sources of income by launching new sponsor programs. The main objectives are to establish a constructive and creative collaboration between EHA and its existing and new industry partners, as well as to actively look for alternative sources of income through a fundraising program, foundations or public funding and other resources. The F&SC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Attract sponsors to support the EHA.
  • Actively promote EHA’s sponsor programs towards industry
  • To, every year, define EHA’s sponsor programs in terms of benefits and obligations
  • Build and maintain relationships with existing and new sponsors by meeting with them and provide sponsor contacts to the EHA Office.
  • Actively participate in meetings and conference calls.


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. 2 Board members
  4. 2 representatives EHA Education Committee (non-Board member)
  5. Representative SWG Committee
  6. Representative Research Committee (non-Board member)
  7. 2 regular members


  • Chair and Vice Chair: max 3 years
  • Members representing the Board or (sub) committees: according to rotation schedule of the respective (sub) committee/Board
  • Regular members: max 3 year. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • Once a year during the interview meeting
  • Regular teleconferences

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