Fellowships & Grants Committee

Current committee members:

JP Bourquin, Switzerland (Chair)
D Kent, United Kingdom (Vice Chair)
C Nombela-Arrieta, Spain
D Mougiakakos, Germany
J Schwaller, Switzerland
N Bolli, Italy
M Fontenay, France
A Undas, Poland
R Schneider-Kramann, The Netherlands
S Beà, Spain
E Laurenti, United Kingdom
J Hauer, Germany
A Kattamis, Greece
J Zuber, Austria
T Cupedo, The Netherlands


The Fellowships & Grants Committee (F&GC) is responsible for assigning EHA funding to talented researchers. The F&GC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Research Committee and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Review and select winners for the EHA Research Grants, EHA Research Mobility Grants and for the EHA-JSH Joint Fellowship Exchange Program by
  • Being transparent regarding relationships with applicants, their mentors, their institutes, collaborators and competitors
  • Develop and follow guidance given for review
  • Follow guidance given for interviewing candidates, focused on quality
  • Timely responding to requests for review
  • Participate in conference calls for selection and review of applications
  • Review reports of grantees
  • Provide input for the Research Committee as to developments in hematology basic and translation research that might require support by EHA


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. Up to 8 regular members


  • Chair and Vice Chair: max 3 years
  • EHA Board member: max 4 years
  • Regular members: max 3 year. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • Once a year during the interview meeting
  • Regular teleconferences

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