European Affairs Committee

Current committee members:

J Gribben, United Kingdom (Chair)
E Macintyre, France (EHA President)
M Kaiser, Germany
G Merlini, Italy
JM Moraleda, Spain
M Mraz, Czech Republic
K Stamatopoulos, Greece
L Brunetti, Italy
N Bolaños, Spain (EHA PO Workgroup)
D Elston, United Kingdom (EHA PO Workgroup)
I Durand-Zaleski, France (advisory member)
U Jäger, Austria (advisory member)


The European Affairs Committee represents and promotes the interests of hematology and hematologists by engaging with EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders. The European Affairs Committee serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Raise awareness of hematology as a distinct medical discipline with specific needs.
  • Increase the visibility of EHA as the representative of all hematologists in Europe.
  • Advocate key EHA positions vis-à-vis policymakers, politicians and interest groups.
  • Contribute to policy debates to influence future legislation/regulation.
  • Build relationships and alliances to support and strengthen EHA’s advocacy work.
  • Represent EHA in its advocacy activities and projects.


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. EHA President
  4. EHA Board member
  5. Member EHA Education Committee (non-Board member)
  6. Member EHA Research Committee (non-Board member)
  7. Member YoungEHA
  8. Regular member
  9. Representative of the EHA PO Workgroup
  10. Representative of the EHA PO Workgroup
  11. Advisory member representing specific European networks or required expertise
  12. Advisory member representing specific European networks or required expertise


  • Chair and Vice Chair: max 3 years
  • EHA President: max 2 years
  • Members representing the Board or (sub) committees: according to rotation schedule of the respective (sub) committee/Board
  • Representatives of European professional networks and regular members: max. 3 years. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • 2 physical meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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