EHA Campus Working Group

Current committee members:

K Döhner, Germany
M Sorigue, Spain
G Ossenkoppele, The Netherlands
C Scharenberg, Sweden
A Porwit, Sweden
K Hübel, Germany
A Taher, Lebanon
JT Navarro Ferrando, Spain
MC Ar, Türkiye
M Guenova, Bulgaria


The primary task of this Editorial Board is to guarantee and guard the quality, relevance and the independence of educational content offered on the EHA Campus. The Editorial Board as an advisory committee to the EHA Education Committee and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • To review all educational materials and to decide on its suitability for uploading them on the EHA Campus.
  • To develop and implement criteria for the reviewing of educational content.
  • To guard transparency and independence in all it processes
  • To build a network of associate reviewers and involve them in the review process.
  • To actively participate in meetings, conference calls and review processes.


  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chairs
  3. 1 Lead reviewer for each of the 8 sections of the European Hematology Curriculum


  • 3 years with the possibility of reappointment once.


  • 1 physical meeting
  • Regular conference calls

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