EHA-ASH TRTH Joint Oversight Committee

Current committee members:

J Abkowitz, ASH Co-Director
E Macintyre, EHA Co-Director
T Fry, ASH Incoming Co-Director
V Sexl, EHA Incoming Co-Director
R Levine, ASH Executive Member
S Izraeli, EHA Executive Member
D Neuberg, Advisor


To develop, in collaboration with ASH, translational researchers in Europe and beyond by running the TRTH program while maintaining quality of the program elements by choosing and guiding the faculty and the program, as well as by selecting appropriate talents to participate in the program. The TRTH Joint Oversight Committee serves as an advisory committee to the EHA Research Committee and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Reviews the applications for eligibility and selects participants with the other Course Directors by:
    • Being transparent regarding relationships with applicants, their mentors, their institutes, collaborators and competitors
    • Developing and following guidance given for review
    • Timely responding to requests for review
  • Participating in conference calls for selection and review of applications
  • Assists in the development of the TRTH program and curriculum
  • Participates in calls with faculty in preparation of the workshop and meetings
  • Serves as core faculty member in the TRTH program
  • Fully attends the workshop, as well as the final meeting at the annual EHA and ASH congress
  • Serves as reference for the faculty before, during and after the course for content, format and learning objectives
  • Encourages interaction, mentoring, and networking between faculty and participants
  • Recommends appointments for vacating course directors and faculty following the workshop for the next TRTH year
  • Be available to mentor and advise participants on their projects/careers during the program year


  1. EHA Co-Director 
  2. ASH Co-director 
  3. EHA Incoming Co-director 
  4. ASH Incoming Co-Director 
  5. EHA Executive Committee Member (EHA Board member)
  6. ASH Executive Committee Member

Composing the faculty of each TRTH edition is the responsibility of the TRTH directors.


  • Course Directors: two years
  • Executive Committee member: one year


  • The EHA ASH Joint Oversight Committee meets 3 times a year in person, during the Spring Course, during the EHA Congress and during the ASH Annual Meeting.
  • Regular conference calls

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