Education Committee

Current committee members:

K Döhner, Germany (Chair)
G Ossenkoppele, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair)
H Schouten, The Netherlands (Chair EBAH)
A Almeida, Portugal
E Macintyre, France
JT Navarro Ferrando, Spain
G Gaidano, Italy
M Wondergem, The Netherlands
I Touw, The Netherlands
A Porwit, Sweden
A Taher, Lebanon
K Hübel, Germany
D Rees, United Kingdom
K Grønbæk, Denmark
N Borges, United Kingdom


The Education Committee (EC) promotes excellence in education for hematologists and related health care professionals around the globe by offering high quality learning programs online, in live meetings as well as through blended methods. Harmonizing hematology education is driving all ECs programs, activities and actions.

The EC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Coordinates, integrates and promotes educations activities across all EHA initiatives, including EHA’s Curriculum, the European Hematology Exam, EHA’s online educational platforms and review and editorial boards, EHA’s Global Outreach program, with an oversight role on the respective committees. It also provides inputs to European Affairs, Annual Congress and EHA’s Journal and other relevant publications.
  • Guards the educational quality for all EHA educational programs including developing and applying criteria for this.
  • Manages and steers subcommittees restoring under the EC.
  • Actively contributes to the developing of educational programs
  • Interacts with National Hematology Societies to understand their educational needs.
  • Maintains and exploits contacts with industry for the support of educational projects and programs.
  • Participates in meetings and calls.


  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair
  3. EHA President
  4. EHA Board member
  5. Chair Curriculum Committee
  6. Chair Global Outreach Committee
  7. Chair EBAH
  8. Member SWG Committee
  9. Member YoungEHA
  10. Member EHA Campus
  11. Member Online Case Unit
  12. Regular member
  13. Regular member
  14. Regular member


  • Chair and Vice Chair: max 3 years
  • EHA President: max 2 years
  • Members representing the Board or (sub) committees: according to rotation schedule of the respective (sub) committee/Board.
  • Regular members: max. 3 years. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • 3 physical meetings/year
  • Regular conference calls
  • Retreat every 1 or 2 years.

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