European Board for Accreditation in Hematology

Current committee members:

H Schouten, The Netherlands (Chair)
A Porwit, Sweden (Vice-Chair)
A Ruggeri, Italy
E Gavriilaki, Greece
I Sanchez-Ortega, Spain
P van den Burg, The Netherlands
F Ní Áinle, Ireland
M Kenyon, United Kingdom
G Birgegård, Sweden


EBAH stimulates and supports harmonized high quality Continuing Medical Education in hematology, both for individuals and organizations, in order to provide the highest possible standard of patient and public health care within Europe.

EBAH aims to be the reference accreditation board in Europe for unbiased and transparent Continuing Medical Education in Hematology.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Peer-review based on preestablished quality standards
  • Continuously assess and improve guidelines for accreditation
  • Foster high quality and independence of Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the field of hematology


  1. Chair
  2. 9 members
    • 3 positions representing clinical hematology (malignancies), clinical hematology (benign and laboratory diagnosis), appointed by EHA
    • 1 position for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, appointed by EBMT
    • 1 position for transfusion medicine, appointed by ISBT
    • 1 position for thrombosis and hemostasis, appointed by ISTH
    • 1 position for the Education Committee of the EHA, appointed by EHA
    • 1 position for a Specialized Hematology Professional, appointed by EBMT Nurses Group
    • 1 position for General Skills and Ethics (no society predefined)


  • Chair: 2 years, with possibility of one renewal
  • Members: 3 years, with possibility of one renewal


  • 2 physical meeting
  • Regular conference calls

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