Curriculum-Exam Committee

Current committee members:

JT Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair)
M Wondergem, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair)
A Almeida, Portugal
G Birgegård, Sweden
A Rovó, Switzerland
C Fernández de Larrea, Spain
M Prahladan, United Kingdom
J Brolin, Sweden


To promote harmonization in hematology training and education in Europe and beyond by offering tools and programs that support this such as the European Hematology Curriculum and the European Hematology Exam. The Curriculum-Exam Committee is an advisory committee to the EHA Education Committee and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • To Review and update the European Hematology Curriculum on a regular basis.
  • To make the European Hematology Curriculum available in different formats and languages to various target audiences.
  • To develop learning paths for the various sections of the European Hematology Curriculum.
  • To compose and organize a yearly European Hematology Exam at the EHA Congress as well as to support and encourage regional and local editions of this Exam.
  • To monitor the quality and the validity of the European Hematology Exam by collaborating with expert institutions.
  • To participate in meetings and conference calls.


  1. Chairs
  2. Vice Chair
  3. 6 members


  • 3 years with the possibility of reappointment once.


  • 1 physical meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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