Board elections

All members* who have paid their annual fees, have the privilege to influence the composition of the EHA Board. We need your involvement in the selection of EHA’s governmental body. You will receive an email with links to nominate yourself or someone else for the EHA Board.


Being a Board member does require significant time commitment. Beyond attending monthly board meetings (virtual), and quarterly meetings in person, there are several high-profile activities and projects that you will be a part of.

The ballot 2022 is now closed.

Click here for an overview of eligibility criteria.

The Nomination Committee will consider all nominations, keeping in mind a balanced representation of clinicians, scientists, countries and gender.


The task of the Nomination Committee is to prepare the list of candidates for the ballot, and it will consider all nominees, taking into account the needs of the Association. 

All members* who have paid their annual fees will receive an invitation to use their democratic rights and vote for their preferred candidate per vacancy.

Based on the results of the ballot, the new councilors will be appointed to the EHA Board at the Annual General Meeting.

Infographic Nomination

* Healthcare affiliate membership is not eligible for the Board nomination and voting.

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