About us

The European Hematology Association (EHA) closely monitors the latest developments on the spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Read our statement here

What we do:

How we are organized:

  • The EHA Board, with 15 members, is responsible for steering the association.
  • Day-to-day activities are carried out by our Executive Office, a team of professionals based in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Where we are active:

  • The EHA community consists of doctors (hematologists), researchers (PhD or otherwise), patients (and advocacy groups), geneticists, nurses, and more mainly across Europe, including non-EU member states.
  • EHA has a global network and collaborates internationally with medical associations, National Societies, and many more organizations.


EHA is a member of: 


Logo EPHA    Logo BioMed  Logo EAPM   Logo Emea


EMA Healthcare Professionals’ Working Party.

Use of EHA name and logo

The use of the name and/or image (logo) of the European Hematology Association (EHA) by partners, such as Specialized Working Groups, National Societies, Patient Organizations and Sponsors is only allowed when the content of the publication is reviewed and approved by EHA. This rule entails all forms of publication, including print and digital formats.

Requests for review can be send to: communication@ehaweb.org

Please note: This is a test site. Please visit our production site here: https://ehaweb.org.