Sickle Cell Disease Preceptorship Meeting

EHA is proud to present its first preceptorship on sickle cell disease. Join us in Paris for an in-depth event on a range of topics, from research to clinical management.

Applications are open until 12:00 (CEST)[?] on September 10, 2024. Apply now


October 16–18, 2024


Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades
149 Rue de Sevres,


  • Prof Mariane de Montalembert, MD, PhD
  • Dr Slimane Allali, MD, PhD


The meeting is part of the EHA Topics-in-Focus (TIF) Hemoglobinopathies Program. The goal of this program is to:

  • Educate and expand awareness of these increasingly common genetic diseases
  • Develop and optimize a European regulatory framework for sickle cell disease and beta-thallasemia

The focus of this European regulatory framework will be:

  • Education
  • Predictive diagnostics
  • Innovative treatment

Target audience

This is the first meeting of its kind and will bring together:

  • Hematologists
  • Clinicians
  • Lab technicians
  • Pathologists

Attendees can be from any part of the world.

Application process

You'll be asked to submit a CV with your application form. The Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Committee will use this document to check your background qualifications and determine your eligibility for the event.

You'll receive an email with the SCD Committee's final decision.

Participation costs and expenses

Participation is free of charge.

If you take part, you'll get access to:

  • The full scientific program
  • Meeting materials
  • A dedicated session

All accommodation and logistical expenses will be reimbursed by EHA, up to the following maximum amounts[?]:

  • €00 for flights [travel?]
  • €00 for hotel accommodation


You can find the full event details in the PDF program.

Topics that will be covered are:

  • Laboratory tools to explore red blood cells
  • Transfusion
  • Hemoglobinopathy diagnosis
  • Organization of care
  • How to estimate the incidence, prevalence, and prognosis of sickle cell disease in high and low-income countries
  • SCD in adults
  • New drugs in SCD
  • Manual exchange transfusion and erythrocytapheresis
  • Therapeutic education
  • Neurological and hepatic complications
  • Curative approaches: HSCT and gene therapy 

Learning goals

By attending the meeting, you will:

  • Gain more knowledge and skills in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of sickle cell disease
  • Develop your ability to provide holistic, patient-centered, and culturally sensitive care to patients with sickle cell disease and their families
  • Enhance your professional development and career prospects in pediatric hematology and advanced practice medicine
  • Receive a certificate of completion

Continuing Medical Education credits

By attending, you'll also receive EBAH Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits.

CME is widely accepted and helps to encourage individual practitioners to:

  • Maintain and develop professional knowledge and skills
  • Keep up to date with the latest developments within the field

The meeting will be accredited according to the EBAH system. If you attend, you'll be eligible to receive one CME credit point for every hour of accredited activity.

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