Abstract submission

Abstract submission is a key element of the EHA Research Conference. Submitters with an accepted abstract have the unique opportunity to present their work and discuss with international experts and peers alike. Abstract submission is now closed. 

Presentation type

A selection of abstracts will be eligible for acceptance during the meeting, the presentation format will be in the form of oral presentations or poster presentations.

Oral presentation: Each session has time allocated for 3 oral presentations; these are the top 3 abstracts submitted under a particular topic. The presenters of these abstracts additionally receive complimentary registration to the conference and hotel accommodation for the whole duration. 

Poster presentation: All accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to present a scientific poster during the two dedicated poster walks. 


Submitting authors will be notified of the allocation by August 1, 2022, via email. Presenting authors will receive a separate invitation after the allocation notification has been sent to all abstract submitters.


You can submit an abstract  on one of the following topics, based on the program sessions:

  • Aging
  • Inflammation
  • Epigenome
  • Microenvironment
  • Metabolism
  • Extracellular factors


The abstracts will be reviewed and allocated by the Scientific Program Committee, consisting of organizers and faculty. Submitting authors will be informed about the allocation by August 1, 2022. The submission terms can be found here

Submission guidelines

  • Max. 3500 characters
  • Format:
    • Title (max. 300 characters, special characters allowed)
    • Abstract body: tables and images allowed
    • References
    • Topic (choose from a drop down menu)
  • Author: name & details of the main author/presenter
    • Co-authors that need to be listed can also be added.


Please note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the meeting (if the abstract is accepted) and if required present the abstract as an oral presentation or poster presentation in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee.

We therefore recommend that presenting authors of abstracts register for the meeting simultaneously with abstract submission. For more information about registration and to register, click here.

Should you have any questions, please contact us via b.huntly@ehaweb.org.

Please note: This is a test site. Please visit our production site here: https://ehaweb.org.