4th European CAR T-cell Meeting

The European Hematology Association (EHA) and the EBMT recently hosted the 4th edition of the jointly organized European CAR T-cell Meeting. 

Dates: February 10-12, 2022
Chairs: Michael Hudecek & Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha
Format: Virtual

Scientific sessions were recorded, watch them on-demand via the meeting platform.

Please note that registration is closed. Only parties registered in time for the live meeting days have the opportunity to watch on-demand content. The platform is open until March 12, 2022 (23:59 CET).

EHA Topics-in-Focus Immunotherapy

Topics in Focus Immunotherapy 01

This meeting is part of the EHA Topics-in-Focus (TIF) program on Immunotherapy, aimed at raising awareness, providing education, furthering research, and building a network of experts to improve patient care. Further information, including a link to the brand-new website dedicated to Immunotherapy, please see our website.


Due to the ongoing pandemic and varying travel restrictions this meeting has been converted from hybrid to fully virtual. All sessions were livestreamed and the recordings can be accessed by registered delegates on the virtual platform.

Target audience

The target audience is hematologists, oncologists, physicians, nurses, data managers, supply chain managers, patients or patient organization representatives, biotech representatives, pharmacists and manufacturers.


The meeting covered a broad range of topics including deep science and translational, clinical and commercial development in the field of CAR T. The program brought you all the latest in CAR T and the first ever reported clinical data. The program further covered various CAR T-Cell related topics and includes key note lectures, interactive debate sessions and more. 

To view the program , see the meeting program page

Scientific Program Committee

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) have created the program and helped to select speakers. The members are:

  • Anna Sureda (Spain)
  • Christian Chabannon (France)
  • Francis Ayuk (Germany)
  • Michelle Kenyon (United Kingdom)
  • Erik Aerts (Switzerland)
  • Hermann Einsele (Germany)
  • Maria Themeli (The Netherlands)
  • Claire Roddie (United Kingdom)
  • Natacha Bolaños (Spain)
  • Guy Bouguet (france)

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is an important part of this meeting. Participants had the opportunity to submit an abstract for this meeting, and (if accepted) had the possibility to discuss it with the international faculty and  peers.

Introduced last year, we were excited to announce 2nd Emerging Investigators EHA-EBMT Joint Fellowship Awards in the Field of Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy 2022. Submitters could apply for this award and the Scientific Program Committee selected 3 winners. Check who the winners were by viewing the Award session on the platform


Registration is closed as of February 12, 2022. 


There are various opportunities to support this educational course. For more information, please send an email to sponsorship@ehaweb.org or fundraising@ebmt.org to indicate your interest.

This meeting is supported by:

Supreme Level Partner 

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Major Level Partner 

Novartis Company logo Final spec 12.01.22

Meeting Contributor

Logo MiltenyiBiomedicine RGB

Logo MiltenyiBiotec RGB
EBAH accredited stamp DEF2


EBAH CME accreditation

This meeting is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) CME. EBAH CME is the best way for hematologists to master the latest developments within the specialty of hematology. Staying abreast of these scientific developments and keeping in touch with the up-to-date views on clinical policy will enable you to raise your professional level, ultimately resulting in the best treatment for your patients.

Please note: This is a test site. Please visit our production site here: https://ehaweb.org.