EHA Statement on COVID-19

The European Hematology Association (EHA) closely monitors the latest developments on the spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Health and safety is our highest priority and decisions regarding continuing our activities will be made following the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission, and regional/local authorities.

Meetings and activities are organized as virtual events as much as possible provided that the meeting's format allows for it. 

For more information please visit the meeting page on our website which will be regularly updated.

Furthermore, participants and partners of any EHA meeting or activity should protect themselves and others from the virus by following the WHO recommendations.  EHA is committed to providing a safe meeting environment by taking all precautionary measures as advised by WHO and regional/local authorities.

Everyone, especially medical professionals seeing patients, should consider the imperative for travel and follow guidelines provided by WHO, national, and local authorities, including employers. Also when making travel decisions, travel insurance is an individual responsibility.

EHA sympathizes with all those affected by the impact of the Coronavirus, whether directly or indirectly, and remains committed to providing its educational offers to the best of its efforts.

COVID-19 and EHA Meetings 

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at


Last updated on: August 3, 2021

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