CARTcell Paris Image

Solid tumors

At present, CAR T cell therapy has been approved for the treatment of several hematologic malignancies. Scientists are exploring the application of the therapy in other indications, including several types of solid tumors. Solid tumors often constitute a heterogeneous mixture of cells, which complicates CAR T cell therapy.

  • Karin Straathof (UK) explored the application of CAR T cell therapy in pediatric solid tumors such as neuroblastoma. Scientists are investigating GD2 as a CAR T target in neuroblastoma, with mixed results so far. Franco Locatelli (Italy) also presented a Phase 1 trial with GD2-directed CAR T cell therapy in neuroblastoma patients.
  • Lars Wallstabe (Germany) discussed ROR1 as a target in lung cancer and breast cancer. ROR1-directed CAR T cells appear to effectively eliminate tumor cells in advanced micro-physiologic 3D tumor models.
  • Jurgen Kuball (the Netherlands) presented T cells engineered to express a defined gdTCR (TEGs), which may constitute a promising therapy for solid malignancies (see TEGs).
  • Hinrich Abken (Germany) explained how TRUCKs (i.e., the fourth generation of CAR T cells) may offer opportunities to treat solid tumors (see TRUCKs).
  • In a ‘best abstracts’ session, Beatrice Greco (Italy) discussed how combining de-glycosylating agents with CAR T Cells may be used for targeting solid tumors and reducing toxicity.
  • Alvaro Urbano-Ispizua (Spain) presented an overview of ongoing clinical trials with CAR T cell therapy in solid tumors in Europe: trials on neuroblastoma (2), mesothelioma, CaColorectal, and head & neck cancer.

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