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The clinical landscape for CAR-T, and current developments in Europe

The clinical landscape for CAR-T, and current developments in Europe were the focus of several presentations. Individual sessions were devoted to key indications for CAR T-cell therapy such as acute leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma, and further examined the latest preclinical and clinical data in the CAR-T domain.

Click on the titles below to read more and view the presentations (if available).

CD30 memory T cells for Hodgkin and T cell lymphoma (Javier Briones, Spain)

L1CAM-specific CAR T-cell therapy for childhood neuroblastoma: Engineered Neuroblastoma Cellular ImmunoTherapy (ENCIT)-01 (Annette Künkele, Germany)

iPSC CARs (Maria Themeli, The Netherlands)

Post-transplant relapse-Second SCT or CAR T-cells (Peter Bader, Germany)

B-cell aplasia (Andre Baruchel, France)

Cytopenia (Marion Subklewe, Germany)

Disease and age groups (Marie José Kersten, The Netherlands)

Guidelines (Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha, France)