Program by Day

The EHA2023 Hybrid Congress will include the following session types:

  • Plenary Sessions
  • Education Sessions
  • Specialized Working Group Sessions
  • Hematology-in-Focus Sessions
  • Science-in-Focus Sessions
  • Thematic Debates
  • Spotlight Talks
  • YoungEHA Sessions
  • YoungEHA Research Meeting
  • Guidelines Sessions
  • Joint Symposia
  • EHA-Patient Joint Symposia
  • European Projects in Hematology
  • Topics-in-Focus Sessions
  • Molecular Hematopoiesis Workshop
  • Lymphoid Biology & Malignancy Workshop
  • EHA-ISLH Laboratory Diagnosis Workshop
  • Oral Sessions
  • Presidential Symposium
  • Late-Breaking Oral Session
  • EHA Sessions

Further details regarding the program will be published in the coming weeks.

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