Important deadlines and dates

Find in this page the important deadlines and dates related to the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress.

All deadlines, except if mentioned differently, end at 23:59 CET/CEST. 

The timelines will be updated regularly. 


2023 January 1 Abstract submission open
2023 January 1 Travel & Participation Grant applications open
2023 March 1 Deadline for abstract submission 
2023 March 1 Deadline for Travel & Participation Grant applications
2023 May 3 Early fee registration deadline (& Deadline to pay registration fees by bank transfer)
2023 May 5-11; 09:00 Late-breaking abstracts submission
2023 June 8-11 EHA2023 Hybrid Congress, Frankfurt, Germany
2023 June 14-16 EHA2023 Virtual Days

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