Scam alert


Beware of unauthorized or fraudulent hotel and registration booking agencies!

Please be aware that an ever increasing number of fraudulent companies are offering hotel rooms and registration services to congress attendees. Companies calling themselves Exhibition Housing Management and Convention Hotel Services have been contacting exhibitors and companies supporting the EHA Congress in the past.

If you are contacted by any other company or agency offering housing and registration for the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress in Frankfurt, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent the EHA in any way, nor do they have access to the officially contracted EHA2023 Hybrid Congress room blocks or rates.

If you are contacted by any such agency or have any questions regarding their legitimacy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or

How does hotel fraud work?

These groups promote attractive deals with local accommodation providers, but once payment has been received, the company disappears and can no longer be contacted by phone or email. Once the attendee contacts the hotel directly about their room, they realize the hotel has no record of them or their stay. Not only is their money gone, they must then scramble to find last-minute accommodation, which is rarely closely-located to the venue.

How to avoid fraud?

  • Book through our Official Accommodation Page or directly at the hotel,
  • Register your attendance only via the official EHA2023 Registration Page (open in Januaray 2023), 
  • Investigate all documentation regarding the company.
  • Use credit cards to guarantee your rooms, rather than wire transfers.

Please note: This is a test site. Please visit our production site here: