King Baudouin Foundation – Calls with a relevance to hematology

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The King Baudouin Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion. It endeavours to maximise its impact through capacity building among organisations and people who contribute to building a better society. The Foundation's programs are long-term and cover, among others, the field of healthcare. Currently three calls with relevance to hematology are open: 

Call for clinical fellowship in pediatric hematology-oncology

  • Funding organization: Fund Prinses Máxima Centrum Belgium
  • Deadline for application: 30/06/2022
  • Budget: Maximum of €60,000 for one 1 year
  • Eligible applicants:
    • medical doctors proficient in the Dutch language.
    • specialists in pediatrics (including last year of specialization) or recognition in pediatrics obtained at a Belgian university (or receiving Belgian recognition), who are aiming to obtain the Belgian professional title “pediatric haemato-oncologist”.
    • working in an academic center or university hospital and detached in Utrecht.
    • The application should be formally supported by the head of the department of the Belgian hospital he/she is coming from.

Development of a model of integrated care for patients with rare disease

  • Funding organizations: Fund Francine & Henri Plisnier and Fund Dr. Ms. Charles Tournay-Dubuisson
  • Deadline for application: 19/05/2022
  • Budget: Maximum of €260,000
  • Eligible applicants:
    • Professionals with research experience in medical, human, health or social sciences, professionals in social and medico-social support, healthcare professionals.
    • The project leader must be working in an academic center, a research organization, a hospital or a health care organization in Belgium. The application should be formally supported by an established researcher (e.g. with a PhD or clear research experience).
    • The Foundation will only fund not-for-profit organizations. For-profit organizations can be part of a research team but are excluded from funding.
    • The project has to be initiated and coordinated in Belgium.
    • Projects that involve collaboration between research teams internationally must be initiated and coordinated by the team based in Belgium.

Fund Generet

  • Funding organization: Fund Generet
  • Deadline for submission: 02/05/2022
  • Budget: €1,000,000 over 4 years
  • Goal: The Fund Generet wishes to support for the fourth time a top researcher in Belgium with outstanding scientific achievements who has already developed or is willing to develop a research line in rare diseases.
Last Updated on Wednesday 06 April 2022.

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