Lymphoid malignancies dissected in Warsaw

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The EHA–PTHiT Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies was held on March 17-18, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. 96% of meeting attendees were satisfied with the tutorial saying that their expectations are met.

Almost half (48%) of the tutorial attendees were present to update their knowledge, while 26% attended to meet experts in the field. The rest attended for the science and the connection.

The biggest takeaway for delegates was being updated on the various fields of hematology. The social interaction between delegates and experts was a wonderful experience for many, and one of the reasons to attend the meeting. Delegates had the chance to ask more in-depth questions to experts and/or talk about their research. Majority of the delegates were convinced that the program content was relevant to their work, challenging and highly stimulating.

“It was the first time that we had the chance to participate in a tutorial of EHA and we have to admit that it was one of the best educational experiences we ever had.  Firstly, we had the opportunity to listen to the experts in each field sharing their knowledge and valuable experience with us.  Furthermore, the interactive type of the seminar, with the self-assessment cases, in addition to the lectures allowed an open discussion to be held, increasing the learning outcomes. We also had the chance to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues from other countries, sharing thoughts and concerns about every day practice and the future of young hematologists. Undoubtedly, we would strongly recommend this kind of seminars to all our colleagues, and we wish to have the chance to attend future EHA tutorials,” said Konstantia Pavlaki & Maria Ximer of Greece.

Portugal’s Pedro Chorão praised the approach in which the tutorial was given, “As a resident attending the tutorial, it was very pleasing going through a holistic approach to each group of lymphoid malignancies, from diagnosis and pathology to future treatments and research needs. In an informal environment, the clinical cases, questions and discussion made me aware of pitfalls in patient management, current gaps in evidence and difficulties in translating investigational and clinical trials data to real life. Throughout the tutorial, the expert lecturers kept the sessions fresh and dynamic. As participants shared their own experiences it was interesting to observe the different approaches and scientific reasoning to the same pathology, especially in areas where evidence is less robust. Finally, the Tutorial gave the opportunity to meet residents from other countries and share experiences (especially difficulties) encountered during the residency and clinic routines.”

The EHA–PTHiT Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies was the second tutorial co-organized with EHA and the Polish society. A second one was organized after the success of the first tutorial.

Last Updated on Tuesday 12 December 2017.

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